History of Algood church of Christ

History of Algood church of Christ

07/17/2011 16:04


In 1900 William Henry Goolsby, Mrs. John Eperson, Grant Cox and Mrs. Robert A. Cox met on Sunday afternoons to conduct worship services in a building called Greenwood building. The men would lead in prayer, read from the Bible and all would sing and observe the Lord’s Supper. Later, Brother E.G. Collins came from Nashville on Sunday each month to preach for the noon and evening services: he stayed in the home of Mrs. Jon McCormick. Mrs. Ill Sallows prepared the Lord’s Supper for the worship services.

The church grew and in 1917 a building was erected at the corner of Qualls and Wall streets. In 1942, the building was enlarged to accommodate the church members from Willow Grove who were left without a meeting place when the Dale Hollow Dam was built. To encourage the church spiritually, yearly Gospel Meetings were held beginning in 1946.

In 1950, the auditorium was enlarged, classrooms were constructed in the basement and the front of the building was remodeled. The old bell tower and bell were removed. The bell was returned to the Kuykendall family who had given it to the congregation when the building was first built. The church continued to grow spiritually and numerically.

In 1965 a new $82,000 building located at 395 West Main Street was begun.  On May 15, 1966, the first service was held in the new building. The old building was sold to Hooper-Huddleston to be used as a funeral chapel.

On May 7, 2000 a 100 year Homecoming celebration was conducted with former ministers speaking. They were Doyle Crawford, Ben Flatt, Carl Scoggins, and Jack Openshaw. Paul Spurlin substituted for his father, Bob Spurlin, who was not able to travel due to Multiple Sclerosis. Bob’s wife, Beverly, was present. Widows of former ministers in attendance were, Mrs. Monroe Lawson and Mrs. Elbert Young.

Those serving the congregation as preachers were: James Kidwell, William Lewis, Monroe Lawson, Robert Hutchenson, James Reynolds, Guy Warner, Ben Flatt, Mark Hicks, Carl Scoggins, Bill Floyd, Larry Acuff, Richard Whitehead, Monty Gennings, Doyle Craford, Elbert Young, Elmer Scott, Bob Spurlin, Jack Openshaw, Jim Blankenship, Sidney White, and David Dalton. Presently serving as our preacher is John Chowning.

Original elders were: Will Swallows, Harvey Gragg, and Van Tolbert. Later elders were: C.C. Loftis, Omer Allen, and Jim Greene.  Presently serving as elders are: Derek Crawford, Bobby Rothfus, and Gary Loftis.

Current deacons are: Ronald Brown, Todd Webb, and Jere Whitson.